Sunday, September 19, 2010

hey do you know about this?

heres how a general day of shooting goes. i get up, generaly early and go to jerrys house. im usually one of the first ones their but i have had my late days. if we're going to a different location we car pool as best we can after all the equipment is packed. then we unload the camera, tripod and steadycam and people start looking at there lines. if we have to set up things and dress the set we do that while someone sets up lights or the dolly or jib if its a crazy day. then we shoot for a while. jerry says cut and that was great a lot. caset claps the board and dustin does sound. at some point we stop and eat, sometimes its things like granola bars and sometimes its chicken salad. pizza once or twice. and then we get back to shooting, lights are set up and taken down, couches are moved and make up is applied. at some point we finish and have to put everything back the way it was and take down all the lights and put the equipment away. then usually people go to a bar or get food or back to jerrys house. and thats a typical shooting day minus complications.

im a few days behind so this is going to be a bit scattered. we had about a two and a half week break trying to get things scheduled for the last few shots. we still dont have everything on the books, and now people are back in school and have different schedules so its been hard to get everyone together. but we started up again in full swing, we shot with a dog! that was fun. and he even had a dog double that was way more hyper and wanted to run into the road. that was scary, we quickly went back to the other older regular dog.

we shot the jackson hurts his ear scene, which is also the janitor scene i guess. the janitor was great, even though he was a few hours late. it was the third time wed tried to shoot this scene, and our third janitor. but it went really well. mark had the joke of the day with his phone and a picture of matt leblanc. the fake blood looked really great, and father don was back again in full force. its great having him on set, hes a lot of fun and a nice change of pace from all the young actors we have. back at it later this week trying to shoot the van scenes. we've spent about a month just trying to find a van we can use. so hopefully we can get it out of the way.

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